Understanding the world

Pancake Day Instruction Writing
As seen on my Instagram - two sheets one with pictures one without
Please note vocab discs are a seperate download

Spring Chickens - Funky Fingers
Print on A3 or A4 and use with loose parts as a funky fingers activity. Children can follow the lines using the loose parts
Table sign and cut outs included

What Can You See? - Pancake Day
Pancake Day themed list writing - What can you see?
List templates for children to write the pancake toppings using their phonetic knowledge

Daffodil Painting
Daffodil colouring/painting sheet
Disc examples
Daffodil cut outs
Perfect for Spring or St Davids Day

Valentine’s Funky Finger Board
A lovely Valentine’s theme funky finger board…
Use with loose parts such as buttons or beads
Heart cut outs for table also included

Draw the Flowers
2 sheets with different representations (1-6 & 5-10) for the children to draw the number of flowers in the vase
Flower cut outs
Table sign

Who’s on the farm?
Who’s on the farm? **
EYFS Phonics/writing activity. Cut and laminate the magnifying glasses included and the children can write what they can see. Use post it notes, whiteboards or paper. Table sign also included

Measure the Worms
Measure the worm boards… use with multilink cubes or loose parts for the children to count & measure
Worm cut outs
Table sign

How Many Bees?
Add the bees to the hive - use addition prompt cards to support
Hive mats
Bee cut outs for counting
Addition discs
Table sign

Label the Lifecycle - Butterfly
Butterfly Lifecycle Labelling Activity
Discs for table
Leaf hearts
Table sign

Valentines Watercolour Painting
Valentines colouring/watercolour painting sheets x2
Heart cut outs also included